A college student living in the Nation's Capital with a love of all things preppy

Monday, January 20, 2014

♥ My Winter Must-Haves ♥

Cold, crisp air. A cup of chai tea. Reading a book with my fuzzy socks on. Getting bundled up like a little preppy marshmallow. 

I am in love with the winter season. Moving to D.C. has really been a blessing to me because now I can fully enjoy the three amazing wintry months (Sorry, Florida, I'm over the 90 degree winters!!)

Today was especially frosty out so I thought I would share my treasured products for the wonderful season    

1. Nivea Lip Butters    These are simply little tins of magical lip heaven. My favorite flavors are the vanilla & macadamia nut and the raspberry rose and these have to be the most moisturizing chapsticks I have ever tried. They smell and taste amazing and literally feel like butter on your lips. They are only around $1 and I get mine at CVS (but I've seen them at Walmart and Walgreens, as well) So next time you're in the market for an amazing chapstick, give these a try!

2. Bean Boots by L.L. Bean    Boots in general are a must-have product for me because my feet are always cold. I love these ones in particular because they are super comfy but also look really cute tucked into dark skinnies. The pair above are specifically J. Crew for L.L. Bean, but I am a huge fan of the original version, too. 

3. Starbucks Chai Latte    My all-time favorite treat during the winter months is a soy chai latte from Starbucks. Now, if you haven't tried one I STRONGLY recommend (yes, caps & bold--this is serious) ordering one next time you're in a Starbucks during a frosty day and I promise you won't be disappointed (granted you like chai, of course). I actually buy the Tazo chai latte mix from Whole Foods and mix it with hot soy milk in my dorm room and it's a bit cheaper--OH, and they just came out with a chocolate chai latte...Oh my dreams have come true. 

4. Statement Necklaces   Statement necklaces are some of my favorite accessories year round but I particularly love them during the winter for those days it's just so frozen out that I just want to wear a huge comfy sweater. This way, I can dress warm and comfortably but instantly glam it up with a beautiful statement piece--perfect for those days I just want to wear my bed comforter to class (I wish!!).

5. Sweater Dresses    Super warm, cozy, and put together all in one simple outfit. Sweater dresses are perfect for those mornings where it's just so cold I can't for the dear life of me leave my bed. Throw on a warm pair of tights, a sweater dress, maybe a cute necklace and you are good to go!!

6. Earmuffs & Chunky Infinity Scarves    Earmuffs never really died out for me because they're completely adorable but also keep my ears warm--and I just can't deny a cute and functional piece. I also love chunky infinity scarves because they keep me incredibly warm and also look very chic and put together over a sweater dress. The earmuffs above are Ugg, and the chevron infinity scarf is J. Crew!

Sorry for the amount of times I probably said 'super' in this post I just love these products!! :)

What are some of your favorite products for the winter season?


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